Thursday, August 30, 2012

What I've Read. #2

 This time around I've been reading a book made up of over twenty-five Vampire Romance stories. These stories are full of hot blood, midnight pleasure, and inhuman passions. These stories are amazing, they keep you on your toes waiting to find out what's going to happen next.  If your a person you like thrills and chills  with lots of suspense then this book is probably for you. With these vampires there strange code of conducts, dark rituals, and dating games that they are engaged in. They seduce their prey and mates and locals for fun. These vampires aren't like normal vampires, they don't want to bite humans, because they don't want to curse them with what they have to live with, so they care some.  I enjoy this book quite a bit, its somewhat interesting. To answer some questions that I have been asked, yes my parents know I read books with this content in it.  The only people I wouldn't recommend this book to is to the people under the age of thirteen and for people who don't like descriptive sexual content.  I really don't know what else to write aboutso any questions you may have comment and I'll answer them.


  1. So they seduce people but don't bite them? What is their goal then?

    1. Pleasure. They do bite to survive, but they don't want to make a new creation. They bite their lover, mostly their other vampire lover.
