Thursday, September 20, 2012

Another Random!

Everyone thinks life is just a given thing. I think of life in more of everyone's view... So this poem below is describing my thoughts of life and its meaning. Many people don’t believe that they have a life, because it may be a family issue or a break-up in a relationship, or a death of a close relative; but as long as you breathe and go on day to day your life will continue and you have a purpose.  People who think that their life doesn’t mean anything, that they are useless, YOUR NOT, you have a purpose or else you wouldn’t have been brought in this world in the first place, your good at something and you do matter, you have a purpose here on Earth so fulfill it. I hope you take this post into deep thought.

By: Kaitlin Fowler
Life? What does it mean?
Is it a gift or is it a curse?
Can it be taken for granted or can it be forgotten?
Some people live life
Some don't begin it.
Life is filled with surprises, heartache, happiness, and many other emotions.
But what is life?
It’s a mystery. 
It’s a gift.
It’s a journey, 
And torture.
So the question remains.
What is life?
Life... It's up to you.


  1. I think your introduction contains a very important message that a lot of people need to hear.

    1. When writing my blogs, that's what I try to do. I try to get the same message across throughout many different types of points of views.
